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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Friday sermon: Address Allah with His 99 names

When you ask Allah for favours, address Him with his 99 names and have your prayers answered, worshippers at the Friday sermon will be told.
“The divine names of Allah are names of praise and glory … and perfection, Allah has named Himself by them … and no one resembles Him with them,” the sermon preaches.
Knowing Allah by his 99 names increases faith and strengthens belief and enhances one’s path to heaven.
As the Prophet Mohammed once said: “There are 99 names for Allah … he who enumerates them would get into Paradise.”
By enumerating them, the person should memorise the names, learn the meanings of them and try to include the characteristics in their actions.
For instance Allah’s name “Al Salam” (The Source of Peace) when mentioned, should inspire worshippers to spread the peace greeting between them.
“Allah has ordered us to ask him by his good names,” continues the sermon.
It will cite incidents from the time of the Prophet Mohammed where he guaranteed his companions who started their prayers with Allah’s names that they would be granted their wishes.
So, the sermon will state, when one wants to ask Allah to cure them, one could start the prayer by addressing the name “Al Shafi” (the healer). Or when he wants to ask him for wealth, one could start by the name “Al Ghani” (the rich one).
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